Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Teen Week At the Gately

Good evening teens and parents!

Whether you're planning a trip to somewhere nice or you find yourself with nothing to do, I'm excited to tell you that the Gately will be open to teens during April vacation week! Preteen activities will be held at Frisoli Youth Center (you may contact them at 617-349-6312). The youth center will be closed on Monday for the holiday. Join us the rest of the week for field trips, food , and fun! Scheduled for the week is are two college trips; one to the Berklee School of Music and the other a trip to Lesley. We also have a trip to the Hip Hop Archives as well as field day, basketball, and other exciting activities to enjoy with other teens. Included is a detailed calendar of our activities, for more questions please feel free to call us at 617-349-6277.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's getting warm in New England and that means bike rides!